Legal Information

Update date


Who we are

Our website address is:

SUNFLOWER AGENCY, mindful of the rights of individuals, particularly with regard to automated processing, and in the interests of transparency with its customers, has drawn up a policy covering all such processing, the purposes for which it is carried out, and the means of action available to individuals to enable them to exercise their rights to the full.

For further information on the protection of personal data, please consult the following website:

Continued browsing of this site implies unreserved acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use.

The current online version of these terms of use is the only one applicable during the entire period of use of the site and until a new version replaces it.

SUNFLOWER AGENCY reserves the right to modify this information at any time. We therefore advise you to consult it regularly.

Legal Information

Publishing Director

Sandrine Steltzner


The website is the property of: SUNFLOWER AGENCY, translation agency

Legal structure

EURL with capital of 2000€


Paris B 512 084 633 / VAT FR18512084633

Head office

37 rue des Mathurins - 75008 Paris - France


+33 (0)6 85 92 92 57


Site host

OVH - 2 rue Kellermann BP 80157 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1 - Tel: +33 (0)9 72 10 10 07

Site realization

Marek Volet

Conditions of use and access to the Sunflower Agency Paris website

SUNFLOWER AGENCY has launched the website to provide up-to-date information on the agency to any professional or private audience wishing to find out more about the agency and the services it offers.

The Site is accessible at all times, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, except in the event of force majeure, scheduled or unscheduled interruption, or where maintenance is required.

The Publisher shall not be held liable for any modification, interruption or suspension of the Site.

Use of the site is subject to compliance with the general conditions of access and use detailed below and with the laws applicable in France. Any person accessing the site undertakes to comply with these general conditions of use.

SUNFLOWER AGENCY reserves the right to modify, delete or update access to the site at any time, without prior notice or obligation to inform Internet users.

These modifications and updates are binding on the user, who should therefore refer regularly to this section to check the current Legal Notice.

SUNFLOWER AGENCY declines all responsibility for difficulties encountered when accessing its site or for any communication failure.

Hyperlinks & third-party content

Hypertext links present on the SUNFLOWER AGENCY site allow access to other sites over which the Agency exercises no control. SUNFLOWER AGENCY cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the content of one or more of the sites connected by a hypertext link.

It is the responsibility of Internet users to take all appropriate measures to protect their hardware, data or software, in particular against computer viruses circulating on the network. SUNFLOWER AGENCY cannot be held responsible for damage caused by a virus when connecting to its sites.

The creation of a hypertext link to the SUNFLOWER AGENCY website is possible but requires prior written authorization from SUNFLOWER AGENCY.

Intellectual Property

The presentation and content of the site, including, but not limited to, the SUNFLOWER AGENCY name and logos, images, products and slogans, as well as the software used for the site and related services, constitute together or separately a work protected by current intellectual property laws.

All data on the pages of this site are the exclusive property of SUNFLOWER AGENCY. Any reproduction, representation or distribution, in whole or in part, of the contents of this site on any medium or by any process whatsoever is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement liable to engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. It is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name "SUNFLOWER AGENCY" or its logo for any purpose whatsoever, and in particular for advertising purposes, without the prior written consent of SUNFLOWER AGENCY.

Any user of the site undertakes to use the elements only for private and personal use, for the purposes of receiving the services provided on the site. No other reproduction and/or representation, in whole or in part, by any means, on any medium and in any form whatsoever, of the elements may be made without the prior written consent of SUNFLOWER AGENCY, except as provided by law.

SUNFLOWER AGENCY prohibits users of the Site from reproducing, permanently or temporarily, translating, adapting, arranging, modifying, decompiling, exploiting or distributing, for a consideration or free of charge, the elements used by SUNFLOWER AGENCY to publish the Site or provide the related services, without the prior written authorization of SUNFLOWER AGENCY.

SUNFLOWER AGENCY reserves the right to mention on its LinkedIn profile site the name and url address of the customer's site for reference purposes, unless the Customer notifies SUNFLOWER AGENCY in writing of its refusal to do so.

Personal data

SUNFLOWER AGENCY receives and returns documents containing personal data in the course of its business.

The data contained in documents or exchanges with the customer are of all kinds (contact details, civil status, bank details, various opinions, etc.).

Depending on their nature, their treatment is as follows:

  • Translation, rewriting, in the language(s) requested by the Customer
  • Swearing in the language(s) requested by the customer
  • Information on our services, prices and payment process
  • Request for advice on our services

The Customer gives his or her consent for SUNFLOWER AGENCY to collect and become aware of this Data through the documents he or she wishes to translate and for SUNFLOWER AGENCY to proceed with the requested Services, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, point a) of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, known as the RGPD.

The Customer consents to SUNFLOWER AGENCY subcontracting or transferring the Data to third parties, in the European Union or outside the European Union, in order to perform all the Services requested.

The Customer agrees that his or her contact details (in particular email and telephone) may be used to contact him or her for the purposes of fulfilling the order and to obtain his or her opinion on the services provided.

SUNFLOWER AGENCY does not sell the Data to Third Parties, which are only used for the proper execution of the order.

The Data is processed by SUNFLOWER AGENCY, its employees and subcontractors in compliance with the aforementioned purposes. In this respect, the Customer is informed and consents that the Data may be subject to automated or partially automated processing (in particular via the Site).

During the execution of the order(s), and as long as the Company remains in possession of the Data, SUNFLOWER AGENCY undertakes to:

  • implement all measures to guarantee the highest possible level of safety;
  • inform the Customer without delay of any incident, breach or security vulnerability likely to affect the confidentiality of the Data;
  • inform the Customer if the Data is being processed for a purpose other than that for which it was collected.

The Customer is informed that, pursuant to the RGPD and the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, he or she benefits from the following rights subject to the conditions of exercise laid down by the texts:

  • the right to access, rectify, update and delete Data that is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out of date, or whose collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited;
  • the right to restrict processing;
  • the right to object to processing;
  • the right to portability;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL);
  • the right to withdraw consent;
  • the right to define directives concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of its Data after its death.

SUNFLOWER AGENCY is responsible for processing the Data. If the Customer wishes to exercise his or her rights, he or she should contact SUNFLOWER AGENCY at the following email address: or by post: SUNFLOWER AGENCY - 37 rue des Mathurins - 75008 PARIS. SUNFLOWER AGENCY undertakes to reply by e-mail or post within 8 days.

For any complaint relating to the processing of Data, the Customer may contact the CNIL located at 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

Certain data are necessary for the proper execution of the order. Otherwise, the order cannot be executed.

Data will be kept by SUNFLOWER AGENCY for the time necessary to process them for the purposes described above. In any event, the maximum period for which Data will be kept is 3 years, after which it will be deleted.

Privacy Policy

SUNFLOWER AGENCY undertakes to respect the confidentiality of the Customer's Data.

As part of its obligation of confidentiality, SUNFLOWER AGENCY undertakes, for the duration necessary for the execution of the order and for 10 years thereafter, to:

  • to treat Customer Data as strictly confidential, and consequently to communicate it only to persons who must necessarily have access to it in order to carry out their duties, and who are themselves bound by a legal or contractual obligation of confidentiality;
  • under no circumstances make personal use of the Customer Data;
  • ensure the protection of the Customer's Data, with the same care as that employed for the protection of its own confidential information of the same nature, and in any event by implementing an objectively sufficient level of protection.

This confidentiality obligation does not apply to Customer Data, or to information of any kind whatsoever:

  • belonging to the public domain at the time of their communication or having fallen into the public domain after their communication through no fault of one of the Parties; or
  • lawfully received from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality; or
  • the disclosure of which has been authorized by the Customer or the disclosure of which is necessary for the execution of the order; or
  • the disclosure of which has been required by law, regulation or court order.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The SUNFLOWER AGENCY website is written in French and English. Any dispute concerning the present legal notice and the use of the website is subject to French law. Exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the competent courts of Paris.


Customers of SUNFLOWER Agency may address their complaints concerning the use of the services provided on the Site by mail to the following address: SUNFLOWER Agency - 37 rue des Mathurins - 75008 Paris - France